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BC First Nations land, title, and governance : teacher resource guide elementary / secondary /  First Nations Education Steering Committee and First Nations Schools Association.
Maisons de bois / Bonnie Shemie.
Tourism and indigenous peoples : issues and implications / editors, Richard Butler and Tom Hinch.
The colonizer and the colonized / Albert Memmi ; introduction by Jean-Paul sartre ; afterword by Susan Gilson Miller ; [translated by Howard greenfeld].
The lords of human kind: European attitudes towards the outside world in the Imperial Age / [by] V. G. Kiernan. -.
Encyclopedia of Native American tribes / Carl Waldman.
Dream quest / Amy Jo Cooper.
Ghost camps : memory and myth on Canada's frontiers / Stephen Hume.
Indigenous peoples : an encyclopedia of culture, history, and threats to survival / Victoria R. Williams.
Thirty Indian legends of Canada / Illus. by Douglas Tait.

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